VERY BRIEF BIBLIOGRAPHY SPACE ARCHITECTURE emanuel dimas de melo pimenta Miami Dade College 2013 (if you have other interesting books about the subject, please let me know, I will include it in new bibliographies)
COLLINS, Patrick - Space Hotels - Civil Engineering's New Frontier, paper at the Advances in Civil Engineering IV International Congress, North Cyprus, 2000. DOWNES, Kieran - Actually, it is rocket science: The military, the media, and the Americanization of Wernher von Braun DUDLEY-ROWLEY, Marilyn (ed alt) - Crew size, Composition, and Time: Implications for Habitat and Workplace Design in Extreme Environments, Society of Automotive Engineers, 2001. DUPAS, Alain - Demain, nous vivrons tous dans l'espace, Robert Laffont, Paris, 2011 DUPAS, Alain - La Nouvelle Conquête Spatiale, Odile Jacob, Paris, 2010 DUPAS, Alain - Le Village Interplanétaire, Gallimard, Paris, 1999. FULLER, Richard Buckminster - Cosmography, MacMillan, New York, 1992. FULLER, Richard Buckminster - Spaceship Earth, MacMillan, New York, 1963. FULLER, Richard Buckminster - Synergetics, MacMillan, New York, 1975. FULLER, Richard Buckminster - Synergetics 2, MacMillan, New York, 1972. GAMBLIN, Charles R. - SPACECRAFT STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS TODAY AND YESTERDAY, Teledyne Brown Engineering. Huntsville, Alabama GARINO, Maj Brian (USAF); LANPHEAR, Maj Jeffrey (USAF) - Spacecraft Design, Structure, and Operations GRAY, Jim; LIU David T.; NIETO-SANTISTEBAN, Maria; SZALAY, Alexander S.; De-WITT, David; HEBER, Gerd - Scientific Data Management in the Coming Decade, Microsoft, 2005 HALE, Edward Everett - Brick Moon, 1869, Gutenberg Project. HALL, Christopher D.; and KLUEVER, Craig - Spacecraft Dynamics and Control, 2002 HALL, Theodore W. - Artificial Gravity and the Architecture of Orbital Habitats, paper at ISST, Bremen, Germany, 1997. HALL, Theodore W. - The Architecture of Artificial Gravity; Theory, Form, and Function in the High Frontier, postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Architecture of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1995. HALL, Theodore W. - Inhabiting Artificial Gravity, paper at AIAA 99-4524, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States, 1999. HARRIS, Philip Robert - Space Enterprise: Living and Working Offworld in the 21st Century, Praxis, Chichester, UK, 2009. HICKS, Michael Thomas - Design of a Carbon Fiber Composite Grid Structure for the GLAST Spacecraft Using a Novel Manufacturing Technique, Stanford Linear Accelerator, Center Stanford University, June 2001. HUNTINGTON, Samuel Phillips - Clash of Civilizations, 1993 JONES, Harry W. - The Cost and Equivalent System Mass of Space Crew Time, NASA, 2001. KATTI, V. R.; THYAGARAJAN, K.; SHANKARA, K. N.; and KUMAR, A. S. Kiran Kumar - Spacecraft technology, ISRO Satellite Center, India, CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 93, NO. 12, 25 DECEMBER 2007. LANDIS, Geoffrey A. - Magnetic Radiation Shielding: An Idea Whose Time Has Returned?, Space Manufacturing 8: Energy and Materials from Space, 383-386 (AIAA, 1991). LYNCH, Kevin A. - Image of the City, MIT, 1960. NAISBITT, John - Global Paradox, Avon, New York, 1995. NARAYAN, S. Shankar; NAIR, P. S., and GHOSAL, Ashitava - Dynamic Interaction of Rotating Momentum Wheels with Spacecraft Elements, ISRO, India. NOORDUNG, Herman Potocnik - The Problem of Space Travel: The Rocket Motor, Original: Hermann Noordung, Das Problem der Befahrung des Weltraums - der Raketen-Motor, Richard Carl Schmidt & Co., Berlin W62, 1929. PALUSZEK, Michael; BHATTA, Pradeep; GRIESEMER, Paul - Spacecraft Attitude and Orbit Control, 1996-2009, Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. MUELLER, Joseph; THOMAS, Stephanie - Decentralized Formation Flying Control in a Multiple-Team Hierarchy, Princeton Satellite Systems, Princeton, NJ 08542. PASSINI, Romedi - Wayfiding in Architecture, University of Montreal, 1984. PERRY, Jay L.; LeVAN, M. Douglas - AIR PURIFICATION IN CLOSED ENVIRONMENTS: OVERVIEW OF SPACECRAFT SYSTEMS, Marshall Space Flight Center; Department of Chemical Engineering at Vanderbilt University. PILAND, W. (editor) - General Public Space Travel and Tourism Volume 2 - Workshop Proceedings, NASA, 1997. PIMENTA, Emanuel Dimas de Melo - Sociedade Low Power - Híperconsumo Contínuo e o Fim da Classe Média num Planeta Híperurbano, Amazon, Califórnia, 2011. PIMENTA, Emanuel Dimas de Melo - Teleantropos - A Desmaterialização da Cultura Material, Editorial Estampa, Lisboa, 1999. PIMENTA, Emanuel Dimas de Melo - Virtual Architecture, ASA Art and Technology, London, 1990. O'NEIL, D. (Compiler), MANKINS, J. and BEKEY, I. (Editors) - General Public Space Travel and Tourism Vol 2 - Workshop Preceedings, NASA, CP-1999-209146, 1999. REDLIN, DeAnn - LEO Communications Satellites: the IRIDIUM Constellation, ASEN5050, 2000. REED, Kevin - Early Commercial Demonstration of Space Solar Power Using Ultra-Lightweight Arrays, SESCRC, Germany, American Aerospace Advisors Inc, United States, IAC-07-C3.2.04, 2004. ROACH, Mary - Packing for Mars, W. W. Norton, New York, 2010. SCHAUB, Hanspeter - SPACECRAFT RELATIVE ORBIT GEOMETRY DESCRIPTION THROUGH ORBIT ELEMENT DIFFERENCES, 14th U.S. National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Blacksburg, VA, June 23-28, 2002. SCHWARTZ, Jana L.; HALL, Christopher - SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION OF A SPHERICAL AIR-BEARING SPACECRAFT SIMULATOR, AAS 04-122 SIMBERG, Rand - Near-Term Prospects for Space Tourism - paper at The Sophron Foundation, 2000. SIRMUDA, Laura Jeanette - SPACE TOURISM: COMMERCIALIZING THE FINAL FRONTIER, Faculty of the Graduate School at the University of Southern California, MA thesis, 2009. SOLERI, Paolo - Arcologie - La Ville à l'Image de l'Homme, Parenthèses, Paris, 1980. STREETMAN, Brett Streetman; PECK Mason A. - New Synchronous Orbits Using the Geomagnetic Lorentz Force, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, 21 - 24 August 2006, Keystone, Colorado. SWINERD, Graham - How Spacecraft Fly, Praxis, Chichester, United Kingdom, 2008. WICHMAN, Harvey A. - Designing User-Friendly Civilian Spacecraft, Proceedings of the 6th ISCOPS, December 1995, AAS Vol 91 Paper nº AAS 95-604. WHITE, Wayne - The Legal Regime for Private Activities in Outer Space - paper at Cato Institute, 2001. ZHANG, Lihua; CHEN, Yuegen - The On-Orbit Thermal-Structural Analysis of the Spacecraft Component Using MSC/NASTRAN, Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering, CAST, China. University of Leicester CubeSat Project - Radiation Environment for a Sun Synchronous Orbit, 2008 The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, John Opiela, 1994. AU Space Primer - Space Reference Guide, 7/23/2003, SPACECRAFT DESIGN, STRUCTURE AND OPERATIONS. NASA - Goddard Procedures and Guidelines, Directive GPG 7120.5, from 2002 to 2007, Systems Engineering. NASA - Greenbook 1992, MISSION DESIGN PROCESS: AN ENGINEERING GUIDE TO THE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN, MISSION ANALYSIS, AND DEFINITION PHASES. NASA Procedures and Guidelines, NPG: 7120.5B, 2002 to 2007. NASA / ESA - International Space Station, International Space Station Flight Crew Integration Standard - NASA-STD-3000/T, 1999. NASA - Systems Engineering Handbook, SP-610S, June 1995. NASA - The Nimbus 7 Spacecraft System, 2009. NASA Technical Handbook - AVOIDING PROBLEMS CAUSED BY SPACECRAFT ONORBIT INTERNAL CHARGING EFFECTS, NASA-HDBK-4002 FEBRUARY 17, 1999 NASA TECHNICAL STANDARD - STANDARD MATERIALS AND PROCESSES REQUIREMENTS FOR SPACECRAFT, NASA-STD-6016, 07-11-2008 Washington, DC 20546-0001 Expiration Date: 07-10-2013 SPACE FUTURE - - Space Vehicles MIT - Space Systems Lab - David L. Akin - Akin's Laws of Spacecraft Design US Patent Publication (Source: USPTO) Publication No. US 7041372 B2 published on 09-May-2006 Application No. US 09/956304 filed on 19-Sep-2001 James Rhoads |