for René Berger's hundred years    
emanuel dimas de melo pimenta
November . 21 . 22 . 2014
Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi . Milan, Italy
coordination: marco rappatoni

Laboratory for study and research on the piano, the contemporary and the new virtuosity
"Fare Mondi"
in collaboration with
SIP.LAB Laboratory of the Department of Design - Polytechnic of Milan - Technology and Structures
World Music Lab at the Conservatory of Milan
"Arches Project" at the Conservatory of Milan


The music concert Dark Matter, for several instruments, was composed in 2014. It was based on dark matter filament 3D studies made for the first time by astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Research team was directed by the astronomer Mathilde Jauzac (1). The team combined high resolution images of the region around the massive galaxy cluster MACS J0717.5+3745 (or simply MACS J0717), taken using Hubble, NAOJ's Subaru Telescope and the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, with spectroscopic data on the galaxies within it from the WM Keck Observatory and the Gemini Observatory. Dark matter filaments were discovered in 2012 by Jörg Dietrich (2), a cosmologist at the University Observatory Munich in Germany.

Emanuel Pimenta 2014

(1) http://www.spacetelescope.org/news/heic1215/


Reservations for students must be received by November 20, 2014 at the following E-mail addresses:



21, Friday
2pm - 6pm
- Film - Music: A Brief History of the Western Musical Thought
- Music and neurology
- Logical Systems, Gestalt, Shannon, Lupasco
- Emergence, Francisco Varela and Humberto Maturana
- Sistasis and diachrony
- Notations, memory, order, plasticity, brain
- Graphics and virtual notations, Virtual Reality
- The concept of virtuality
- Introduction to the composition Dark Matter
- Film - Virtual Notations


22, Saturday
10am - noon
- Discoveries Sheet
- Brief analysis of Dark Matter virtual scores

2pm to 6pm
- Rehearsal

Dark Matter (concert, world premiere)

The concert will be open to the public, free admission


Prof. Marco Rapattoni at the Department of Piano
Prof. Alberto Serrapiglio at World Music Lab
Prof. Marco Maiocchi - Politecnico di Milano Dipartimento di Design - SIP.LAB


emanuel pimenta

conservatory of milan

click here to watch the movie of the concert